Ceem research seminar on power markets with high share of variable renewables

The 12 April 2016


The focus of the seminar is to enlighten the dynamic aspects of the transition, in particular the evolution of the value of the MWhs of variable renewables capacity (VRE) along the different adaptations of the power systems. There is a particular interest to understand how emerges the economic value of flexibility resources and improvements of the market integration between systems.

14h00 Registration

14h30 Welcome of Participants and Introduction by Dominique Finon (Scientific Counsellor, Chaire EEM and CIRED-CNRS)

14h40 – 17h00
Alain Burtin, EDF R/D Vice-President Energy Management
Technical and Economic Analysis of the European Electricity System with 60% RES
Vera Silva, EDF R/D
Methodology for the Analysis of the European System with High Res Scenarios


The presentation examines the impacts of the integration of a large share of variable renewable generation into the generation mix of the European interconnected electricity system. The analysis, which is based on the results of long term studies performed by EDF R/D, aims at improving the current understanding of the technical and economic feasibility of a massive deployment of wind and PV across the European system. This results relies on an EU system wide approach based on a chain of advanced power system simulation and optimization tools. The study addresses several aspects of the system integration of variable generation in particular, including the characterization of variable RES generation, the need for generation and interconnection infrastructure, the role of demand response and storage, the impacts on short-term system operation and VRE market profitability.

Discussion: Marco Cometto, Economist, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), co-auteur de l’étude NEA Short-Term and Long-Term System Effects of Intermittent Renewables on Nuclear Energy and the Electricity Mix

Manuel Villavicencio, Doctoral student, Chaire CEEM
Planning Capacity Investments and Flexibility Assets: An Investment Model Integrating the Short-Term Requirements with the Long-Run Dynamics

The current framework given by the increasing shares of variable renewable energies open novel questions about the optimal power generation mix when considering system adequacy, operability and security issues. This paper analyses the impact of such constraints over the power system and proposes a stylized model for capacity planning from a total cost perspective that incorporates investments on conventional and renewable energy technologies, but also on new technologies able to optimally accommodate new system requirements, such as electric energy storage and demand side management. The model formulation is tested on a hypothetical case in order to show the importance of providing enough detail on the representation of the economic dispatch and reserve requirements for investigating the factual value of intermittent generation technologies and its relationship with flexible assets while planning generation investments.