National energy policies with respect to capacity remuneration mechanisms (crm) in the context of the european targets

The 09 March 2015


Conference objective:
The European power sector is facing challenging times. In particular, stagnant demand and renewable energy sources developments have created a situation of oversupply situation which affects the economics of thermal power plants and is causing the closure or mothballing of some of them. This situation is causing a risk to the security of supply of the electricity system because these thermal assets are necessary to counterbalance RES intermittency. The aim of this conference is to analyze this issue by zooming in on one of the solutions that is put forward by some: a capacity remuneration mechanisms.
This conference will be chaired by Thomas Huerre (F-AEE), François Boisseleau (B-AEE) and Jan Horst Keppler (Chaire EEM). It will be held in English.