Between industrial reality, environmental constraints and expectations of consumers and governments, the European electricity industry is accelerating the transformation that started 15 years ago of which we can identify the contours but not yet the final outcome.

The Chaire EEM is based on the conviction that this mutation needs to continue but at a sustainable pace that reflects the requirements and the inevitable inertia of an industry that is both capital-intensive and the heart of the economic and social life of European countries. The Chaire EEM will seek to contribute to the understanding of the changes underway and to develop a rigorous academic research programme focused on electricity issues.

Our objectives

European electricity markets are on the move. Liberalisation, market integration and re-regulation, prices, investment and competition, technological change, smart grids and demand management – European electricity markets are undergoing profound changes that raise numerous theoretical and industrial challenges and offer important opportunities to those able to anticipate them. France, Germany and the United Kingdom, to name just three major European countries, are currently implementing far-reaching national reforms of their electricity sectors, all in a context of an ever closer integration of European electricity markets. The Chaire European Electricity Markets (CEEM) of the University Paris-Dauphine has the threefold purpose (1) to realise an ambitious research program on European electricity markets, (2) to provide a forum where experts from academia, industry and stakeholders can exchange their views and (3) to help train future executives of the electricity industry.