14th session of seminars on research in energy economics at paris-sciences-lettres


18 septembre 2014


University Paris Dauphine-PSL


The Seminar on Research in Energy Economics at Paris-Sciences-Lettres is jointly organized by the CERNA, the CGEMP, the Chaire European Electricity Markets, Mines ParisTech and University Paris-Dauphine. It is animated by François LEVEQUE (CERNA et MINES PARIS TECH) and Dominique FINON (Chaire European Electricity Markets, CNRS-CIRED).


Nuclear power: towards a competitive low-carbon, secure, stable and reliable source of electricity? By William D’HAESELEER, Professor at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven)

The presentation will draw a comprehensive picture of the cost estimations in the nuclear sector, on the basis of available contemporary information in the open literature, so as to establish a coherent background for a discussion on the cost of nuclear-generated electricity. This would provide guidance for an objective context for electricity generation investments. The cost estimates comprise investment costs for new-build Generation-III plants, major refurbishment investment costs for long-term operation of existing plants, normal operational expenses and fuel-cycle costs (including waste management and final disposal) and decommissioning. Particular attention is devoted to the historic investment-cost evolution (mostly cost escalation) and possible future improvements in moving from a “First of a Kind” to routine construction, from analyzing learning/serial/fleet effects. Regarding nuclear accidents, reflections on the liability issue and alleged hidden subsidies are offered. Finally, system-integration effects of future electricity systems (consisting of nuclear plants, dispatchable fossil plants, and renewable sources) are estimated.