Conference on the impact of electric vehicles on the electricity system


17 octobre 2016


Salle Raymond Aron - Université Paris Dauphine-PSL


The accelerating arrival of electric vehicles will not only impact the way we drive but will also have a profound impact on the size, layout, performance and cost of the electricity system. This transformation will touch upon all segments of the value chain from generation over transport and distribution to consumption. It will accelerate the active participation of final consumers, while posing important new challenges to producers of dispatchable power and system operators.
This seminar of the Chaire European Electricity Markets (CEEM) at the Université Paris-Dauphine co-organised with the Chaire Armand Peugeot (CAP) at CentraleSupélec will bring together leading experts from industry and academe in order to answer four interrelated questions:
1. What is the likely speed and trajectory of electric vehicle adoption in Europe over the medium term?
2. What are the different options for charging infrastructure, whose layout and technical specifications will be crucial for both the acceptability of electric vehicles as well as their cumulative impact on the electricity system?
3. What are the likely impacts on the requirements for the generation, transport and distribution system?
4. How can the contribution of electric vehicles to the electricity system be optimised by appropriate regulation and incentives for final consumers?

Clearly, the arrival of electric vehicles will pose questions for policymakers and experts in multiple dimensions, reaching from the technical over the economic to the geopolitical, for decades to come. However, it is crucial that even at this comparatively early state, it is fully understood that electric vehicles imply that private road transport will henceforth be operating as part of a network. The earlier the needs, opportunities and challenges of the electricity system are approached in a fully integrated fashion, the more likely the deployment of electric vehicles will indeed be able to make the major contribution to the low carbon energy transition that policymakers, consumers and experts so ardently desire.

8h30-9h00 Reception of Participants

9h00-9h20 Welcome and Introduction
Jan Horst Keppler
 (Directeur scientifique, CEEM – Université Paris-Dauphine)
Electric Vehicles: Opportunities and Challenges for the European Electricity Sector

Yannick Perez (CAP, CentraleSupélec): Is the European Electricity Sector Ready for Electric Vehicles?

9h20-10h45 Session 1: The State and Outlook of Electric Vehicle Development and Re-charging Infrastructure
Jérôme Perrin
 (Renault): Electric Vehicle Development in Europe Today

Johannes Schäuble (KIT, Karlsruhe): The Development and Adequacy of the Recharging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles in Europe

Pascal Gibielle (RTE): The Impact of Electric Vehicle Development on Peak Demand and the Load Curve under Different Scenarios of EV Integration and Recharging Options

10h45-11h15 Coffee Break at the Bar des Étudiants (2nd Floor)

11h15-13h00 Session 2: Optimising the Interaction of Electric Vehicle Deployment with the Electricity System
Patrick Gagnol
 (EDF): The Coming Transformation of Electricity Systems Due to the Advent of Electric Vehicles

Jean-Baptiste Galland (Enedis): Opportunities and Challenges of the Integration of Electric Vehicles for Local Networks; What Would Efficient Pricing Look Like?

Willett Kempton (University of Delaware): Vehicle to Grid (V2G): Fundamentals, Potential, Willingness-to-Pay and Regulation

Yannick Perez (Chaire Armand Peugeot, CentraleSupélec):System Services and Flexibility Provision through Electric Vehicles in France and Europe: Regulatory Options and Institutional Requirements

13h00-13h30 Concluding Roundtable
With Dominique Finon (President), Marc Bussieras (EDF), Thomas Veyrenc (RTE), Gautier Chatelus (Groupe Caisse des Dépôts).

13h30-14h30 Reception at the Bar des Étudiants