First sessionof seminars on research in energy economics at Paris Science et Lettre


09 janvier 2013


University Paris Dauphine-PSL



The CERNA (Mines Paris Tech), the CGEMP (Paris Dauphine), the Chaire EEM (Paris Dauphine) and i3 (Interdisciplinary Innovation Institute), members of PSL* (Paris-Sciences-Lettres), are organizing, starting in January 2013, a monthly seminar on research in Energy Economics.

The aim is to support and reinforce the academic level of French research in Energy Economics. Through the most recent economic analyses, the seminar seeks to clarify the stakes in energy politics and long term choices. The seminar series brings together professors, researchers, doctoral candidates and professional economists interested by energy questions on theoretical or applied planes. It covers the full panoply of energies and their different markets; it is open to all methodological approaches and economic disciplines.

The creation of the seminar series is motivated by the absence of a forum for regular academic exchanges in France on energy questions. National research in energy economics is very active and gaining in recognition. It is performed at multiple sites, which encourages fecundity, but makes contacts more difficult. It has kinship with work on the environment and climate change. This regrouping was and remains necessary. Nevertheless, the many research seminars common to the two disciplines have not fostered sufficient focused debate on specific energy questions, such as markets, their organization and the interference of public policies (taxes, redistribution, etc.).

Each seminar is focused on the presentation of a question that is the object of ongoing research or a recent publication. It covers one presentation by an academic economist supplemented by comments from a moderator.

The series is animated by Dominique FINON (researcher CNRS associated with the Chaire EEM, CIRED) and François LEVEQUE (Professor, CERNA et i3, Mines Paris Tech). The seminars will be held on the second Wednesday of each month from 16h30 to 18h30 alternating between Dauphine and Mines Paris Tech.

The steering committee brings together Dominique FINON (Chaire EEM and CIRED), Patrice GEOFFRON (LEDA-CGEMP), Matthieu GLACHANT (CERNA, i3), Jan Horst KEPPLER (Chaire EEM) et François LEVEQUE (CERNA).

1st session of Seminars on Research in Energy Economics at Paris-Sciences-Lettres

Wednesday January 9 2013, from 16h30 to 18h30
École des Mines Paris Tech, Salle Vendôme
60, boulevard Saint-Michel
75006 Paris