Hybrid electricity markets – recent developments and key research questions


13 juin 2024


Room Raymond Aron - Université Paris Dauphine-PSL



In Europe and in the USA, electricity markets are adapting to a rapidly changing resource mix driven by decarbonisation policies. A range of planning and support mechanisms have been introduced, leading to a mixed approach to entry and exit in the market, driven both by market signals and out of market mechanisms. A wide range of designs of such “hybrid markets” is observed, depending on the specific roles and articulation of the market and of support mechanisms, raising new research questions.

The annual conference of the Chair on European Electricity markets will focus on the theme of hybrid electricity markets and aim to gather research and evidence on different aspects, which are at the core of the CEEM research program. The objective of the conference will be to discuss the recent evolutions across different jurisdictions in the light of academic research – with a particular focus on the definition of a new electricity market model that would respond to the challenge of coordination and financing of the investments necessary for a successful energy transition in the context of volatile energy prices and increased concerns on security of supply and affordability of energy.